Thursday, February 19, 2015

Palin Taking Over

Online Presence

Twitter: @SarahPalinUSA
         Tweets: 2,494
         Following: 137
         Followers: 1.13M
         Joined: August 2009
Her Twitter is connected to her Facebook, so it looks like yes she is posting almost everyday but they are posts from her Facebook page. It looks like she is retweeting things about herself every once in awhile and it looks like she participated in the “#IAFreedomSummit” but other than just a few tweets here and there she doesn’t look as active on Twitter as she should be.

         Likes: 4,530,673
Her Facebook page picture is a nice picture of herself with mountains behind it (not wearing a suit or formal clothes). Her cover photo is an ad for her Sarah Palin Channel. She is very active on her Facebook more than her other media sites. She is adding links for videos and to articles about her while also adding her own opinion. Her page may be active but it does not look like it is active for any type of election yet. 

Instagram: None
         Palin may not have an Instagram account but her children do and the media has taken a focus to them.

         Subscribers: 5,156
Her YouTube channel has videos from her 2007 Governor State Address, 2010 Denver, CO Governor Speech, 2009 State Address. These videos were uploaded 4 years ago, then she has videos of what she has been doing and what she has accomplished. She seems to be lacking and letting her channel just sit there. She is not active much at all, her last video was posted 3 months ago. 

         Boards: 5
         Pins: 34
         Followers: 21
         Following: 6
Pinterest was really popular in 2012 and is still very popular. Her 5 board names are “Mamma Grizzly and Her Cubs” this board is directed at showing us her family and gives us an insight about her life. “Fighting the Good Fight” this board is directed to show her stand on some issues and those that support American values. “Words I Live By” this board has many pictures that has quotes that she has said over time.
“The People I Fight For” this board is dedicated to American people and people who support her, like children, soldiers, and seniors. “Alaskans and our Home” is a board showing some pictures of Alaska and how pretty it is, since many people just think it is all snowy and cold. Each board has at least five posts in them, with captions and a little insight to what she stands for. She doesn’t seem to be as active on Pinterest but it does let us know her better.

Website: SarahPAC & SPC
         Her website is set up to give you information and it is appealing to the eye. It allows you to be interactive and share things with your social media sites. She has links to “about”, “her story”, “show your support”, “contact” and “contribute”. This allows you to keep up on all things Palin and keeps you connected with everything she is doing. It does not seem like she is as active on her site as much as she should be.
         Palin seems to be more active on her channel, she posts a lot of videos here and is active almost everyday. There is even a section “Sarah’s Picks” with a “quote of the day” which today is “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” – Francis Bacon. An image of the day, a word of the day, todays word is “Moxie- energy, pep, courage, determination”. Then she has a running clock of how many days are left in Obama’s Administration (700 days). Also a running clock of our national debt ($17,798,557,903,445.10) 

         Palin is not have a tumblr account, but she is all over tumblr with gifs, quotes, and things that make fun of her more than support her. This could really hurt her campaign because there is such a negative view on Palin from all of this.

         Overall Palin has many viral videos that her campaign staff did not post or create. Palin has become an internet meme, with her appearances on SNL and even her new “feud” with Taylor Swift. Everything she does or is involved in becomes known in every way. 

         For 2016 I believe that Palin needs to be more active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat. If she really wants to connect with “our generation” she needs to get involved with social media. The more her name is coming out of peoples mouths the longer she will be around and be known. When people stop caring is when she will no longer be relevant.


  1. I'm sure she has a lot of the same challenges online that Hillary Clinton does about how a woman is portrayed in the media, and online.

  2. What I gathered from your post is that Palin's presence in her own social media is not very strong. So taking that information, if Palin does run in 2016, how much of an effect do you think that will have on her campaign?

    1. I think if she does decided to run she will have more of an active presence on her social media, because that is where she will be able to reach her younger demographic. But if she does not change it this could possibly hurt her since we are in the new age of technology.

  3. I agree with Morgan, do you think right now her social media presence could also be used against her if she decides to run in 2016? Her online presence seems less political base and more "motherly" do you think that's on purpose?

    1. I don't think it will be used against her but i do think she will need to change it up and revamp herself if she does decide to run. I do think that her social media seems motherly is on purpose, because she is not heavily involved in politics right now so she does not need to be too political.
